So it has been a very long time since my last post, various other activities and responsibilities seemed to get in the way and then the habit of blogging was broken unfortunately. But I hadn't stopped gaming or modeling so here is an attempt to get back into the habit.
This is a very short recap of my gaming over the last little while followed by a brief battle report of my most recent game which was a modern game of
Force on Force.
I have been playing and running a fair number of rpg's including, as a player, a game of Vampire and the conclusion of a
Call of Cthulhu (CoC) campaign. I have been running
Star Wars quite regularly and
Dragon Age sporadically.
The CoC game group is going to switch over to
Shadows of Esteren while the Star Wars group is going to take break to another system as yet to be determined before returning for the next chapter of their adventure.
I also was able to play in a couple of rpg's at Hal Con this year which was fun and the first time I have participated in a convention rpg, playing a couple of Star Wars scenarios run by the same game master and a CoC game. Both were very enjoyable.
Planning is underway for CottageQuest 3 in which a group of us rent a cottage for a weekend and play a variety of different rpg's.
Seems like there is less going on here though I have recently started to paint again. Chet and I once again did game demos at Hal Con this time with
Batman the Miniature Game and
Star Wars Armada.
Games I have played in my spare time include Armada, an
Imperial Assault campaign, some 15mm WWII with
Battlegroup and recently Force on Force.
Board Games.
My birthday was another board games weekend with friends at the house and I have played a variety of games with the family. I finally played Cthulhu Wars which is impressive. Also I finally made it into the Board Room Cafe in Halifax for a Shawn's Birthday.
There is probably stuff I missed but that is a brief overview of the last year and a bit!
So in rough chronological order the pictures!
The CottageQuest gang! |
Some of the games.
Armada at home.
Hal Con 2015
Batman with demo Chet. |
Birthday games.
My Germans vs Chet's Canadians. |
The German's were triumphant! |
Force on Force
Road to Baghdad scenario 3
The Iraqis are in the buildings and surrounding terrain while the USMC must drive through. |
The USMC enter the board. The bottom APC and infantry are not really there, they are waiting to come on. |
M1's start leveling buildings even as the USMC loses an APC taking 2 KIA's on the left(out of the picture) to an rpg. |
The M1's get called away and must exit as quickly as possible leaving the rest of the USMC forces to finish off. |
At this point a sand storm blows in limiting visibility. |
The tanks have left. |
The Iraqis have disabled 2 Humvees, 1 AAV7 APC and caused 3 KIA as well as a number of lesser wounds. |
The End. There is not much left of the Iraqi forces but they did enough damage to win the game. |