Monday, March 21, 2011

More Malifaux

Shawn and I have been doing some prep to put on a Malifaux demo this coming weekend and to this end we have played a couple of games and also worked on models and terrain.

The first game we played was between Shawn's Rasputina's crew and my Ortega's. Ice pillars were everywhere and although Nino Ortega made a gallant attempt to halt the stampede of victory points by Rasputina the game ended something like 6-0 for the Ice Queen.

The second game was with 4 small crews which is the way we are going to run the demo. It had Nicodem and the Ortega's vs. Rasputina and Ramos. Nicodem/Ortega had the Reconnoiter strategy while R/R had A Line In The Sand. We did not use any schemes as this is going to be a teaching game and we thought we would avoid the extra confusion. For the other 2 players we had my son who has played once before and another friend, Pierre who has never played. We teamed up one grizzled veteran with one new player per side. 

The game went well with a win for Nicodem/Ortega and I think we learned just a few things we will do differently for the demo. Both new players did suffer at the hands of the veteran players but they still hand fun (there is a lot to learn). The true test being the fact that I believe Pierre will be joining in for some more games in the future.

Other than that I have been working on completing models and terrain for the demo.

If anyone is interested in a proper battle report let me know and I will throw them in every so often.

If you want to check out a great Malifaux podcast take a listen to The Aethervox Podacst at The guys do a great job and they are only a 3-4 hours away from me so maybe sometime there will be a game. 

I am also going to be starting a miniature painting service if anyone is interested and I will add details here as things progress.

Here are some pictures of models and terrain for the upcoming demo and I will tell you how things went next time.

The completed Peacekeeper.

The buildings for our Malifaux frontier town.

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