I've actually done quite a bit of gaming and modelling since the last post but because of the busy season this will be a relatively short entry.
I've started the Christmas gaming season with a bang. Ian and Julian came down from Yarmouth for the day while Shawn came in from the city and we played some Malifaux using the Christmas scenario's from the
Wyrd web site. Julian, Tristan and I also played a game of Blood Bowl Team Manager by
Fantasy Flight Games while Ian and Shawn played out their epic game.
I also finished painting a few figures for Ian so that he could take them home with him. I'll post those pictures on the commission page.
Ian and his stat card. |
Ian thinking? |
And Julian with a stat card! |
Perdita's crew trying to spread Christmas cheer to Malifaux. |
The Peacekeeper after singing a lovely coral. |
The epic battle to collect presents continues...and continues... |
Tristan and I have also started our Dust Tactics campaign which is even after the first two scenarios of the Blue Thunder scenario book.
In the midst of the second battle. |
Earlier Chet and I got in a game of Flames of War, starting a small trial Infantry Aces campaign before we drag in more players for a full scale one.
The Germans held out in a building just out of view and could not be dislodged. |
I have also started to run a D&D game for Tristan and a couple of his friends. They seemed to have enjoyed the first two sessions and we are planning another one over the break.
The PC's entering the night's climatic conclusion, it ended well. |
I forgot to mention in my last post that my wife found a great find at Frenchies, a used "stuff" store. It was a old Avalon Hill game and the pieces were still unpunched!
Well that's it till the New Year. I plan on finishing the Dust Tactics campaign and hope to get in a few other games over the Holidays. So cheers to all and enjoy yourselves. See you in the new year.