The last while I have been getting in a fair bit of role playing games with Vampire the Masquerade, Star Wars Edge of the Empire, Dragon Age and Call of Cthulhu and seeing as I don't think anyone wants to read about these exploits suffice it to say that the games have been fun and the fact that I am a player in 2 and a gm of 2 has been keeping my free time fairly full.
The last few weeks or so though I have been getting in some board and miniature games. I started playing in an Imperial assault campaign which isn't going so well for us Rebels at the moment but I am sure things will turn around in the next few games.
My friend Chet came over recently and I tried a game of Armada, Fantasy Flight Games miniature game of large ship combat in the Star Wars universe as well as a game of Battlegroup a WWII miniature game.
Armada was fun but the game needs more variety in units which are due out soon anyways and that will make the play more interesting.
Battlegroup was a fairly quick game to play adding a few twists to a core of some fairly standard rules so there is nothing to throw you off. I liked the way friction of battle starts to wear down your effectiveness and that when firing you can choose to fire to pin or kill.
I have also got in some painting finishing off some figures for Batman the Miniature gane and Robotech RPG Tactics.
I am looking forward to our annual Free Comic Book Day outing in a few weeks as well as a board game weekend at a friend's cottage known as CottageCon and the second annual CottageQuest, a rpg weekend.
Armada Game
My Star Destroyer closes in as the TIE's engage. |
The fur ball in the middle. |
I quickly took care of one of the Rebel ships and now the other closes in. |
Being harassed by the CR-90 and the last of the X-Wings. Shortly after this the X-Wings were destroyed but I flew off the edge of the board ending the game in defeat. |
The Terrain. |
Chet deep in thought! I had a more officers giving me more orders most of the time. |
My troops had just been glued on bases about 30min before the game and were not painted. I am not sure what Chet's excuse was! |
Troop eye view. The game was very, very close. We were both about within a turn of causing each other to retreat but I broke first. |
Batman the Miniature Game
Making bricks for the bases. |
Applying the basing materials. |
Batman |
Talia Al-Ghul. |
Ninjas |
Robotech RPG Tactics
Battlepods |
One Veritech, 3 modes. |
Imperial Assault, game 1.
Near the end as my Wookie breaks in but is ultimately blocked from achieving success. |
Mid way as we storm the Imperial base. |
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Early game as we advance on the door. |